Midwest Chicago Blizzard Record Snowfall


Midwest Chicago Blizzard Record Snowfall

Looks like the Midwest U.S.A. and Chicago are getting hit with record snowfall and devastating blizzard conditions. The Midwest Blizzard means folks will be suffering and digging out for what could be weeks. If you’re in the Midwest or Chicago, the center of the blizzard, stock up, stay home and be safe. Chicagoans are used to foul weather, but this blizzard is for the birds. Buried in the background is the Chicago Sears Tower.

This cartoon of the Chicagoland Blizzard is quite large (22″ x 15″), so I’ve sliced it up and provided a detail image. Enjoy!




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Inspiration: A cartoon scene of Chicago and the Midwest Blizzard. In the scene are frozen people during their commute to work.

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