Happy Home Illustrations

Happy House, Handyman leaving Daytime

Happy House, Handyman leaving Daytime

Today’s cartoon of the Day is an illustration I’ve been working on for an Electrician friend of mine. My idea was to show the family happy and satisfied as the Handy Electrician is leaving the home.  I was going for idyllic.  The following image was a brain fart. The same home, all lit up at night, the electrician having properly done his job. (Like that ever happens). Enjoy. If you overlap them in an animator, the home seems to switch on. I may upload that when I’m finished as well.


Happy House, Night time

Happy House, Night time

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Happy handyman leaving happy family home with kids, dog, and swimming pool. Also includes a nighttime view of same scene.

Inspiration: Electrician / handyman doing their job

Media: Pen and Paper, scanned

Process: Colored in Photoshop

Time: 120 Minutes

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