John Locke Caricature

Johnn Locke Caricature Cartoon

John Locke Caricature, Lost, Terry O’Quinn

Sitting here watching LOST on ABC (not Plugging a network), I decided, for lack of a better cartoon idea at the moment, to sketch John Locke played by Terry O’Quinn. I know it’s not really a caricature, and not really a portrait, and not really a cartoon. I’m not sure what it is, really. I forced myself to spend only the one HOUR producing the illustration, while the show was on. There are several artistic things wrong with this and since you’re reading this I might as well let you in on it.

A. It’s not very strong. There’s no strong emotion. The colors are Blah. The light source(s) is questionable. Crap.
2.  I faked the background with as few brushstrokes as possible. I switched the dark blue to white, black, beige and more crap.
C. I didn’t do a very good job of capturing his essence or mood. If it was a caricature, it’s not exaggerated enough. If it’s a portrait, it’s too goofy looking.
4. I have no strong defense for the output other than I was creatively blocked and had no particular want to draw John Locke, so there you have it.
Q. Painting directly into the computer via WACOM tablet can often times be mechanical, stiff, lifeless, and clunky. The above represents all of these. (My Apologies).

All in all, I’ll try to do better tomorrow. Or even post an additional cartoon today. Meanwhile, don’t hate me…stay tuned.

And just for Giggles, here’s the other sad attempts at trying to fix the rendered illustration / caricature with Photoshop Levels and contrast.

John Locke Caricature, Light Background

Johnn Locke Caricature Cartoon light

John Locke Caricature, Black Background, Contrasty

Johnn Locke Caricature Cartoon contrast

…and it’s STILL crap.


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To paint a caricature of John Locke in under 60 minutes.

Inspiration: LOST on ABC, doodling, how NOT to draw a caricature.

Media: Wacom tablet Cintique model, Photoshop, Press Stills

Time: 60 minutes

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