Jersey Shore Rant Poster

jersey shore rant poster2-01

What the F*CK is the Jersey SHORE!??

Ok, let me get this straight…

this CRAP tv show called the ‘Jersey Shore’..

is not only NOT canceled, but returning for a second season….

and without renaming it, now takes place in Miami…

starring a brain dead guido who named his abs ‘the situation’…

and an orange oompa loompa with 3ft hair called ‘snooki’

along with a cast of 20-something, vapid, wreckless, Italian meatballs…

who get paid to live for free, spend all day tanning and hangover, and all night getting drunk and punching each other in the faces.

Now if all this is true, I want to sincerely communicate a message to all those tv producer/director personalities…

I hope and pray to god that satan has a special green room in hell reserved for you all…

because Americans are not this stupid, this gullible, this easily lulled into abject stupidity. Your network is wrong! have mercy on your country’s children already! we get it! if you think you can sell commercial space in a tv show of dogs farting, you will!!! but for the love of our country, our children, and god…try harder!
you make me want to office space my tv set and move to canada!

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A cartoon rant about the ridiculous TV show Jersey Shore. A cartoonist questions the shows motives.

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