New Bee Species-Big Bang Bazinga


New Bee Species-Big Bang Bazinga!

Brazilian scientist names new bee species after Big Bang Theory and Sheldon Cooper’s catchphrase Bazinga! “Euglossa Bazinga”

This new bee, discovered in Brazil, is an Orchid Bee and beautiful but poorly understood. This bee collects many types of chemicals to attract females. The Character Dr. Sheldon Copper uses the word ‘Bazinga’ when he’s played a trick on someone. Likewise the Euglossa Bazinga has tricked tte scientific community all this time, as it looks so simliar to another bee it was thought to be the same species (E. ignita). Dr. Copper is allergic to bees.

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Brazilian scientist names new bee species after Big Bang Theory and Sheldon Cooper’s catchphrase Bazinga! “Euglossa Bazinga”

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