How to Achieve the Flowstate-Artist in the Groove


How to Achieve the Flowstate – Artist in the Groove

Everyone has a different name for the Flow State, like ‘in the groove’, ‘being in-tune’, ‘becoming one with..’ etc. Psychologist Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi calls it the ‘Flow State’. The Flow State is something nearly everyone has experienced. One experiences flow when several conditions serendipitously meet and you lose track of time, act almost autonomously, and get lost in your work. Essentially, there is a perfect combination of  the perfect level of personal Challenge and the perfect level of personal skill. When you are highly skilled in an area, and are tackling a challenge you can perform with high confidence, everything just sort of gels for you.

Artists can do this fairly easily, and especially autotelic artists like myself, where a person performs acts because they are intrinsically rewarding, rather than to achieve external goals… in other words, many artists perform artistic actions as an expression of their happiness, and not a desire to achieve or have happiness.

Read more about the Flow State here at Wikipedia

And more about autotelic personalities here.

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