We have discovered the microblog

we discovered the microblog

“We did it!! We discovered the Microblog!!”
“I’m already Tweeting it, Bro!”
The Debate rages on . . . does every little bit of new technology enhance the Human Condition?

Ok ok, I know I use Twitter, AND Facebook, AND MySpace, AND…wait, what was my point?

Facebook / Twitter / Stumble / Digg / Delicious / Reddit:
  • Facebook
  • Twitter
  • StumbleUpon
  • Digg
  • del.icio.us
  • Reddit

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Inspiration: Inspired by the many Social media Portals and my inability to effectively use any of them

Media: Pencil and Pen, (not plugged in. solar powered, or invented by the Japanese).

Time: As long as it takes

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