Mother Nature Unleashes Her Anger on Planet Earth


Mother Nature Unleashes Her Anger on Planet Earth

An intense and deadly heat wave has hit Eastern US, with temperatures over 100 degrees in areas that barely break 90. Towns in Montana are flooded for the second time in two weeks. Wildfires rage out of control in Arizona, sending thousands of people fleeing for their lives. The tornado that hit Joplin could be the most deadly and costly ever on record. Lightning strikes in Miss. hospitalized 2 and injured 75 more. The weather has gone nuts.

Experts look for a unifying reason for all this weather extremes, and are looking to blame El Nina. My guess is Mother Nature is pissed off at what the Human Race is doing to the planet.

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Inspiration: A cartoon featuring Mother Nature unleashing her anger in the form of Floods, Tornadoes, Fire and Lightning. Mother Nature looms large over creation.

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