Schwarzenegger Marriage Terminated


Schwarzenegger Marriage Terminated

Top news today is the Fact Arnold Schwarzenegger created a love-child with 20 year housekeeper  Mildred Baena. This type of behavior really isn’t all that unusual for a Politician, and certainly not for an actor, but the real story is that he was able to keep it a secret for 14+ years. Arnold Schwarzenegger turned out to be craftier and more brilliant than anyone ever gave him credit for.  Photos of Schwarzenegger’s son erase any doubt you had about his father (He’s a good looking kid and will not be exploited on Cartoon A

This cartoon of Schwarzenegger suggests he’s the ADULTERNATOR in a Movie Sequel called ” True Lies Part 2″. Schwarzenegger also starred opposite Jamie Lee Curtis in TRUE LIES, where Schwarzenegger lied to his wife for years.

Schwarzenegger Cartoon Option “JUDGEMENT DAY”


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