Muscle Couple Gymrat Dissection

muscle couple gymrats-01

Muscle Couple Gymrat Dissection

Today’s cartoon a day is an exercise in observational skills. These are my thoughts and opinions and in no way should be misinterpreted as my world view. It’s a cartoon, folks.

That said, I saw this couple at the coffee shop this morning after what I assume was a workout session. The coffee shop occupies a slot in a stripmall, in which also contains a Gold’s Gym. I see workout folks often either getting caffeinated before a workout or grabbing some protein right after. This case was an ‘after’. The couple in question (and the cartoon is not too far from reality) looked typical, exercised, and completely ridiculous.  You’ll see on the illustration a handful of the inner monologue that whooshed through my brain in 0.5 seconds flat. All the evidence seemed to point to the obvious, for good or bad. I’m sure if you haven’t seen this EXACT couple, you’ve seen many couple just like them. My blossoming theory is that they attract each other, while repelling everyone else. Well, it’s really up to you to decide.

Excerpt:  ”His narcissistic bodybuilding tendencies make him a perfect partner for vapid, self-absorbed women who haven’t yet grown out of the primordial programming of needing the largest male in the herd for protection.”

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A body building couple are pictured with personality descriptions floating around them. The man looks angry and the woman looks cute.

Inspiration: Inspired by silly workouts and abused bodies.

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