2010 Academy Awards Oscar

Brad Pitt as an Oscar Statue for Inglorious Basterds

And the Oscar Goes to…

Tonight is the 2010 Academy Awards!!! Oscar night is upon us. It should be fun since two of the funniest men in show business are hosting, Alec Baldwin and Steve Martin. Here’s some Cartoons For you. Oscar official page here.

Alec Baldwin Oscar host holding brass balls from Glenn Gary Glenn Ross

Alec Baldwin, drawn with Brass Balls from Glen Geary Glen Ross

Steve Martin Oscar host wearing bunny ears and playing banjo

Steve Martin with his bunny ears and banjo.

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It's Oscar Night. Inglorious Basterds icon Brad Pitt pictured in Gold as the Oscar Statue. Alec Baldwin and Steve Martin also pictured.

Inspiration: Inspired by the Oscars, the Academy Awards and Steve Martin with Alec Baldwin.

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